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Books List "M":
The following books are available:
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Madame de Mauves by Henry James (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Madame de Treymes by Edith Wharton (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Madonna of the Future by Henry James (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Le Magasin D'antiquités Tome I by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf, French)
- Le Magasin D'antiquités Tome II by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf, French)
- The Magician by Somerset Maugham (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana, Part 1 by Sri Veda Vyasa (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana, Part 2 by Sri Veda Vyasa (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Main Street by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man of Adamant by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- A Man of Means by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man in the Iron Mask [An Essay] by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man Upstairs and Other Stories by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man Who Kept His Money in a Box by Anthony Trollope (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo (.pdb, lit, html, .pdf)
- The Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mankind in the Making by H. G. Wells (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- La Maison de la Courtisane by Oscar Wilde (Project Gutenberg) (.html, French)
- Marcellus by Plutarch (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Marcus Brutus by Plutarch (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Marcus Cato by Plutarch (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mardi: and a Voyage Thither, Vol. I by Herman Melville (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mardi: and a Voyage Thither, Vol. II by Herman Melville (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mark Twain’s Burlesque Autobiography by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Marquise de Brinvilliers Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Marquise de Ganges Celebrated Crimes Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Marriages by Henry James (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Martin Guerre Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mary Stuart Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Masnavi I Ma'navi by Maulana Jalalu-'d-din Muhammad Rumi (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Massacres of the South (1551-1815) Celebrated Crimes (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Master and Man by Leo Tolstoy (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Master Humphrey's Clock by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mayflower and Her Log by Azel Ames (.html, .pdf)
- Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Memoirs of Victor Hugo by Victor Hugo (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Menexenus by Plato (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Meno by Plato (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mercenaries by Henry Beam Piper (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- La Mere Bauche by Anthony Trollope (English) (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Message from the Sea by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Metaphysics by Aristotle (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Meteorology by Aristotle (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Micah Clarke by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Middlemarch by George Eliot (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mike by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mike and Psmith by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mike's Little Brother by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Military Invasion of America by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Les Mille et un Fantômes by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf, French)
- Les Mille et un Fantômes with Illustration by Alexandre Dumas (Project Gutenberg) (.html, French)
- The Miraculous Pitcher by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Miscellaneous Papers by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Miscellanies by Oscar Wilde (Project Gutenberg) (.html)
- Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaica by Anthony Trollope (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mistletoe Bough by Anthony Trollope (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Moby Dick; Or the Whale by Herman Melville (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Modern En Berättelse By Ernst Ahlgren And Axel Lundegård (.pdb, .lit, html, .pdf, Swedish)
- A Modern Utopia by H. G. Wells (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Monsieur du Miroir by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mooturai by Auvaiyar (.html, .pdf, .swf, Tamil)
- Mosses from an Old Manse by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit. .html, .pdf)
- Mr. Britling Sees it Through by H. G. Wells (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great by Henry Fielding (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mr. Scarborough's Family by Anthony Trollope (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mrs. General Talboys by Anthony Trollope (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mudfog and Other Sketches by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Mugby Junction by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Murat Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Murder in the Gunroom by Henry Beam Piper (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- My Man Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mystery of Cloomber by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)