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Children Books List:
The following books are available:
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Aesop's Fables by Aesop, Translated by George Fyler Townsend (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- American Fairy Tales by L. Frank Baum (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Sa (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Betty's Bright Idea; Deacon Pitkin's Farm; and the First Christmas of New England by Harriet Beecher Stowe (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Biographical Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Grandfather's Chair by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Grimm's Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm (.pdb, .lit, html, .pdf)
- Hindu Literature (a Translation comprising Nala and Damayanti, Sakuntala, Ramayana) by Ephiphanius Wilson (.html, .pdf)
- Household Stories by Brothers Grimm (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Household Tales by Brothers Grimm (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Little Wars by H. G. Wells (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- New Arabian Tales by Robert Louis Stevenson (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Paradise of Children by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Poems by Priyanka Natarajan (.pdb, .lit. .html, .pdf, .swf)
- The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Prince and the Pauper with Illustrations by Mark Twain (Project Gutenberg) (.html)
- Queer Little Folks by Harriet Beecher Stowe (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Radio Boy Cronies by S. F. Aaron and Wayne Whipple (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Sacontalá by Cálidás translated by Sir William Jones (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Snow-Image by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Tom Sawyer, Detective by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson by Mark Twain (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- True Stories from History and Biography by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)
- Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Children's Edition, Project Gutenberg) (.html)
- William Tell Told Again by P. G. Wodehouse (.pdb, .lit, .html, .pdf)